Blog of a bonsai amateur and tree lover mina bonsaier och andra träd

lördag 24 maj 2014

Kulturnatta 2014

Pictures from todays activity in Umeå. It was the annual "Kulturnatta" (culture night). The bonsai society had two tables of trees displayed, I contributed with the birch. It is not a perfect bonsai but it got some attention because Umeå is called "the city of birches"!
The weather was really hot and sunny and it was a perfect day!

söndag 18 maj 2014

The post I didn't want to write

This is the post I didn't want to write! It has been a bad winter. No, I don't mean terribly cold or with lots of heavy snow... No, it's the opposite.
It has been an extremely mild winter and very little snow!

So what's the problem?
The problem was the semi-hardy trees in the garage.
The garage has probably been much warmer this winter than normal. Than any winter before out of the 25 years we have been living in this house! Because I have done the same thing with my semi-hardy bonsai trees every winter and they have always done well in the garage and survived the winters. But not this year!

 Ok they are not all dead, but the best ones died, and the youngest plants have survived. Picture above and below: dead elm trees.

My guess is that the temperature has been higher in the garage than previous winters, but I never thought of that, I just did as I have done before, watering the trees now and then - but obviously not often enough! I think they died from drying. That can also explain why the younger plants in bigger containers survived while the ones in smaller pots are dead.

My outdoors trees have done better, but some of them look terrible too. Some of the pines are half-brown, and I don't know why. But at least there are also a few better looking ones (meaning green and healthy).
Yesterday and today I have taken up from the ground: 
7 pines
1 birch
1 larch 
1 aspen

 When the birch, larch and aspen have their leaves (needles) burst out I can take some picture of them.

Tack för att intresset finns kvar fast jag aldrig orkar uppdatera den här bloggen. Det kanske blir bättre framöver! Det är fascinerande att se i statistiken att bloggen lever vidare liksom av sig själv även när jag typ aldrig går in här och skriver... Folk googlar det ena och det andra och hamnar på nåt gammalt blogginlägg - som man så här efteråt ibland skulle vilja förklara eller redigera om eller rent av radera...

Det är fyra år sedan jag startade (den 10 maj 2010). På det första inlägget hade jag en bild av den almen som har dött nu i vinter, trist. Men så länge jag har alla de andra träden levande så får jag försöka göra det bästa jag kan av dem!
Hälsningar Anna.