Ja, jag vet att den är tunn och mager, men när solen lyser genom bladen är det ganska vackert ändå!
Ulmusar: En med bladen kvar, en nästan avlövad. Dessa står nu i garaget, tog bara fram dem för att fota i det vackra solskenet. Som synes har vi nu lite snö, men bara lite.
Den större av dessa ska få nån slags urtunning bland grenarna, men det brukar jag göra mitt i vintern eller närmare vårkanten.

Den gjorde sig väldigt fin i solskenet!
SvaraRaderaWow, very nice elms - Anna! The autumn color is fabulous! Since when are these elms in your collection?
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Austria,
I bought the first elm in a flower shop about 15 years ago, that is the larger one of these two. It was just a cutting, a thin stick. The small one is a cutting from the first one, only a few years old.
SvaraRaderaI enjoy them for their naturally very small leaves although they are not hardy in our swedish climate and I have to keep them in the garage for the winter!
So you started with this nice hobby so many years ago. I´m impressed! Keep on rockin` :)